
Friday, July 2, 2010

there's a storm on the way

I prefer peace, wouldn't have to have one worldly possession. But essentially I'm an animal, so just what do I do with all the aggression?

the world is yours, everything else is mathematics. all i want is your understanding, but i'm fine. days aren't numbered any longer, blind faith--law of attraction engulfs me. there has been a countless number of times where i spoke something into existence, nothing fantasticcal of course. more like people i'll run into espicially when i would never run into them on a regular day nor would i be in their usual hang out spot. i'm tired of people asking me what i would call myself. the sad thing is, we cant seem to go on with life without constantly marking shit. we need to know what we're dealing with and the second we don't-- the second we need to question we lose a sense of security. we thought we knew.. but we never had a clue. i'm tired. the thing is i know who i am, i'm just exhausted trying to prove me to you. when we speak, i look you directly in the eye, i was told that if i don't one might take me as a falsifier or a cheat. i'll keep it friendly. i'm first going to approach my goals... i don't want to label it, i'll just call it "shit i want to get done quick". i'll start by eliminating the people who don't mean a thing to me, then i'll move to the people i've grown distant with. i was told it's healthy for people like me to talk to others that don't think the same as i do. the ignorant people (hahaaa). i won't be there to change their minds, more like a guide in hopes of showing them that everyone doesn't think like THEM, and people like me do exist. i'll be there to possibly mold and create an army for a war worth fighting for. war of the mind.

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