
Wednesday, January 14, 2009

stop pretending

do not lie to me.

Stop telling me your worth my time. Stop allowing me to believe that when you return you'd be there for me like I was for you. Two years of my life. Two fuckin years. Then we drifted farther apart. You lie, I lie. I swear I fuckin swear to ... yo you make me want to go and get you. Take you back home. Make you remember what you'd loved. Things you used to cherish. Seriously, you said you thought I'd forgotten. That I was over you.. YOU told ME how I felt. Your shit isn't real, your facades are worthless to me. I know you way better than that. I KNOW how much your in love with me. And it's sad, really and truly sad, because ---

JC =/


ollieoxenfrass. said...

whats wrong frio who do u speak of =/

Eustace said...
