
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

hold on to me

It's kind of hard to pick a favorite. I'll have to be greedy and say everything is my favorite everything. So hard to keep from you, I just met you. You're leaving, and so am I. "We'll write everyday!" you said, but you cant even call and tell me "goodnight". Wishing for this stage in my life to pass, so i can fast forward to the riches and the glamour and sit in my rocking chair with my grandchildren. I'm so beyond this-- everything is moving to slow for me. Independence is only a click away, but I wont dare touch it. Afraid? Afraid of failure, I am not. Afraid of what people might say, I am not. Afraid of what I can't accomplish, I am. Holding up to expectations isn't why I'm here, I just want to define my life. My purpose?-- dare I say. But I'll figure it out. I always do. When love comes around, I feel it. And I swear I've never loved anything as much as you. It should be a sin how hard I love. Dedication, I got that. When I'm in it I'm in; don't have any doubts on my half. I know what I'm capable of. But as for you, you play so much-- I remember the night you said you'd call me back, and the morning I called you because I wanted to argue. All I said was goodnight and hung up. The least you could've done was told me "goodnight".

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