
Sunday, March 22, 2009

crystal light

sometimes the things he provided weren't good enough.
i'd sit and long for more. maybe all of my longing payed off
when you came. stumbled along into my broken life.
i say it's broklen because nothing is ever constant; the men in
my life, the clothes, thoughts, and aspirations-- constantly
conflicting, constant chaos.

you make me want you without trying.
still i sit, paitiently this time. you'd walk towards me because
you remember how hard it is for me to get up when you are
concenred. legs shaking, arms feeling heavy, nerves losing
control. on my last L so I'm gone...

"i thought i had you all figured out" you said as you pulled
i said you are the constillation that guides me home,
the star that lights my path. you passed..

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